Billy Root Released March 28, 2021

The story of two brothers who discover an underground Rootland and gain a new friend. Originally conceived by Tom Leone in the mid 60’s, Elaine immediately wrote the story in rhyming verse. It’s now brought to life in full color in 2021.

Wonder Landing Released April 15 2016

Wonder Landings, with over a hundred new illustrations released today!

Grandy Says:

Grandy says it’s a disgrace

That she has such wrinkles in her face.

I looked up close and she let me touch

But I just see dents where she smiles so much.

Grandy just twinkles.  Her heart has no wrinkles.

Spooky Luke

The Carey kids like scary stuff.

In the game they play the most,

Lucie is the human being

And Lucas is the ghost.


Charlie and his cousins always have a blast

As soon as they meet on any street,

They start playiing Gotcha Last!

Temporarily Unavailable

I’m a stick- in -the -mud  who is stuck in the mud

And I don’t want to go out and play.

I don’t want to talk or go for a walk

So just leave me alone 

For today.

Just for today.  OK?

The Visit

He brings light with him

When he comes in and then

After he is gone

It gets quite dark again.


The salesman shook my Grandy’s hand,

Said, “WHAT a pleasure THIS is!”

Then said, “What’s your first name, Dear?”

And Grandy said, “It’s MRS.”

Side Swiped

While I was finishing my burger

And looking at the pies,

And not paying attention,

My brother ate my fries.

A Different Variety

In Grandad’s backyard garden,

He grows vegetables to eat

But Grandy’s corn and onions

Are growing on her feet.

(Mom says those onions

Are called bunions).