Manchester Patch Article

The today has a nice article about the book.

I’d love to hear from you about the article, and especially about the book!

Of course you don’t have to wait until July 26th to order the book right here from

For anyone who isn’t familiar with, it is an online news website for local news. If you like the Manchester Patch, you can log in and submit your own news to Editor David Moran, who is a very nice young man. Thank you, David for your interview and your thoughtful article in Manchester patch.


Have you ever escaped to Nantucket Isle
Thirty miles at sea?
It’s not too far–just a little while
To find tranquility.
A lovely place with its pilgrim face
Peeling from the sun
A peculiar ind of appealing grace
Beyond comparison.
Not every head is asleep in bed
When the midnight bell is ringing
for it’s not too far to a little bar
Where a quiet man is singing.


Our baby cousin’s Kelly Hatch.
No kid is as cute as Kelly
But she chews on chives in the onion patch
And she smells like the corner deli.

Fun with Granities

Bowers School Readings

On June 17, I visited Pat Ware’s 2nd grade class and Melissa Emmerich’s 5th grade class at Bowers School in Manchester.  Reading from The Grandies naturally evolved into a discussion of writing rhymes and the fun and fulfillment of putting pen to paper.  It was a wonderful morning of interaction with children who were interesting and interested, charming and welcoming as were Mrs. Ware and Miss Emmerich.  I have since received letters and original verses from some of the children and will treasure them  forever.

Moonie Bags

Mother would always wave a dollar bill at each full moon, expecting that it would make her rich or,  at least, bring her some sort of windfall. It didn’t work.

At each full moon a dollar wave. (you can write the next line)With thirteen full moons in a year, if one deposits the bill (after waving) into a money bag (or mooniebag), he/she would have $13 at year’s end.  There are still six full moons to go in 2011:  July 15, August  13, September 12,  October 2, November 10 and December 10.   At least, you’ll have $6 in your mooniebag to start 2012.  I encourage you to go out and wave your dollar and then save it.

“Blue Moons” happen every 33 months. The next one is in August 2012. Imagine how much you can save by then!

Who knows? Perhaps you will be the lucky one who gets rich, too.  I don’t know if it would help to howl at the same time.  I don’t remember Mother howling.

This is a wonderful grandparent-grandchild endeavor, something fun to do and save a little money at the same time.

Architectural Literacy

While I was in court  yesterday in Rockville, Scott decided to do some work in the library.  He stopped and asked a fellow, “Sir,  do you know where the library is?”

“Well, I’m not sure” he said, “but there is a building down the street with a lot of steps.”

(BUT, does it have any books?)   Oh, ha ha

Show & Tell

Betsy took the gas mask to the second grade for Show & Tell.  Her grown-up cousin had brought it home from service in the army for her brothers.  I watched from the porch as she came home from school, strutting proudly up the street wearing the gas mask.   She was followed closely by a second grade boy who was obviously smitten.  He lived a few streets away so I had to give him a ride home.